As we continue to share the Gospel in the changed reality of COVID and demographic changes among Episcopal Church Clergy, we take seriously the work of discerning who is called to lead the Body of Christ gathered in local communities around Western Washington. 

Clergy seeking positions in the Diocese of Olympia should:

  • Reach out to the Canon to the Ordinary, the Rev. Cn. Arienne Davison to learn more about the ministry of our Diocese and congregations. 
  • Expect to meet with the Canon to the Ordinary to learn more about their ministries and discuss any “red flags” that might impact their readiness to serve. 
  • If interested in a specific congregation: write a cover letter addressed to the Search Committee (Rector/Vicar call) or Vestry/Bishop’s Committee (Interim or Priest in Charge call)
  • If interested in a specific congregation: Submit a resume or CV listing your work experience.
  • If interested in a particular congregation: Complete and submit the Office of Transition Ministry Profile. Consider using narrative responses as a way to convey, how you minister in community rather than things you have done. 
  • Our office completes Red Flag and Bishop to Bishop checks on all applicants before giving names to the congregation for consideration. If you would like to be a part of a search, our office will reach out to a priest’s Transition Minister and Bishop. 

Congregations that are seeking a new clergy leader should be in contact with the Bishop’s Office to discern readiness to proceed with the Profile and Search Processes.  This discernment includes congregations minimally demonstrating the following:

  • The congregation has a full and active complement of leaders: Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Clerk or equivalents able to meet regularly (remotely or in person).
  • The congregation has demonstrated an ability to gather remotely or in person for worship and/or fellowship during the building closures.
  • The congregational leadership continues to review their financial status, seek COVID relief if needed, submit monthly Net Disposable Income Reports, work with the Bishop’s Office to ensure that transition communications accurately reflect the financial position of the congregation, and demonstrate the ability to support compensation at the desired level of clergy effort.

The following congregations are receiving names of potential candidates for Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge. Please contact the Canon to the Ordinary to learn
During this time of clergy vacancy, a priest-in-charge will be assigned to the church. The following congregations are seeking interim
In this phase of the process, congregations are preparing to receive names for Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge. An interim is in place and
Congregations listed below are no longer receiving names. Search Committees and the governing body of each congregation will conduct interviews.
Congregations that have called a Priest-in-Charge or paused their transition search are listed here. St. Joseph-St. John, Lakewood is working with
The following are a glossary of terms that are used in the process. While some of straightforward, some may have